We are here to help.
We work with companies across the entire Supply Chain.
  • Food safety has changed more in the past 7 years, than in the previous 5 decades.
  • Government regulations and enforcement activities are changing the way the food industry handle compliance certifications.
  • Compliance requirements and regulatory enforcement activities have increased and continue to do so dramatically.
We can help with all levels of certification.
We develop food safety compliance programs, we can train you in how to implement your plan, and stay in compliance.
Food Safety as a Service
We write compliance programs
for every industry
Agriculture | Manufacturing | Wharehousing/Distribution | Retail & Wholesale | Brokers | Restaurants
All Levels Of Compliance And/Or Certification
HACCP for Restaurants
Following all relevant Municipal and/or State food code requirements. Compliance may require passing regular Government inspections.
To obtain a license to operate, food manufacturers must pass a government agency inspection.
To maintain their license to operate, all food manufacturers must comply with Government regulations on an ongoing basis. Compliance may require passing regular Government inspections.
Documentation and support for:
  • Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP) for import/export
  • HACCP compliance for Brokers only
  • Compliance and certification for warehousing and/or distribution operations
HACCP Compliance and/or Certification for Food Manufacturers
HACCP Compliance and/or Certification for all food-related businesses
GFSI is a private organization that enforces food safety through internationally recognized standards. GFSI offers a passport to the global market.
To achieve a GFSI-recognized certification, companies must successfully undergo third-party audits, choosing from one of several programs.

We help with all schemes such as:
  • SQF
  • FSSC 22000
  • Canada GAP
There are also entry level audit alternatives to GFSI that are easier and faster to achieve but not always recognized by major retailers:

  • GMP
  • GMaP
GFSI Third-party Certification Compliance
Non-GFSI Third-party Certification Compliance
I have my compliance program, now what?
  • We help companies execute compliance comprehensively and thoroughly.

  • We ensure that your food safety compliance program is implemented seamlessly.

  • We can help prepare you for scaling-up your business, with our proprietary tools and best-in-class services.
Our Food Safety Experts will work with you and your team to ensure that you understand how to operate and manage your food safety program and stay in compliance.
We know how challenging it can be to implement your compliance program.
  • Mock recalls
  • Food Defense and Food Fraud
  • Guidance in environmental monitoring
  • Records filling and auditing assessments
  • Etc.
  • Recordkeeping
  • Audit Management
  • Inventory Management
  • Resource planning
  • Supplier Verification
  • HACCP, PCQI, SQF certified training
  • Customized GoHACCP Training Software
  • Accompaniment during 3rd-party audits
  • Audit preparation
  • Audit assessment
Introducing a full suit of apps to audit-proof your business.
GoHACCP compliance software is the simplest most cost effective way to organize your operations, so you never have to worry about missing or incomplete records again.
Access wherever
you are
One application from your phone, tablet or workstations. Integration and comprehensive intra-organizational/operational oversight at your fingertips, from anywhere in the world where there is internet access.
Instant access to documents during audits
Easily locate any records searching by record type, status or creation date, or by lot code during recalls or audits on our report builder.
We sell our products on printing markets such as SANAR, in Vans stores and showrooms, and you can also read our featured stories in the online magazine.
Why Choose GoHACCP
as your end-to-end food safety software?


  • Daily tasks organized.
  • All HACCP plan forms are accessible through the app.
  • Task scheduler to ensure time sensitive tasks are completed on time.
  • App wizards with images, note and self-help videos.
QA Managers
  • Compliance dashboard to visualize the status of the HACCP plan and apply corrective actions when necessary, ensuring your operation is always audit-ready!
  • Organize your entire operations to meet the standards and protocols of your HACCP plan and Food Safety Program.
  • Simplify your record keeping and store them all in one place, accessible 24/7.
  • Perform recalls with lot codes functionality.
  • Export all log entries to a spreadsheet for easy data management.
Supervisors Production Manager
  • Activity oversight in real time allowing for quick corrective actions.
  • Approve records.
  • All records and documentation accessible for audit 24/7.
  • Create customizable videos and image instructions, providing support to your team even when you’re not available.
Knowing what your score will be on your next audit, before it happens!
  • Experience real-time metrics on all audit related records with our dashboard system.
  • Improve your compliance score to pass any audit.
  • Boost efficiency with your compliance data gathering and organisation.
  • Enjoy complete accuracy on all records before they’re submitted.
  • Keep all your records in one place.
GoHACCP Training Software is available online, connecting to all of your staff and providing employees with the flexibility to take training individually, at any time and through any device.
Proper training of your employees requires only a few hours of their time but will help guarantee your FSMS is followed as well as easy to monitor and record the training activities of your employees.
GoHACCP provides management with tools to verify completed training per role while creating training records that can be provided to corporate-level management as well as food safety authorities.
Save Time
Easy to Monitor
A Software Platform with Interactive Training.
Designed for all food processing-related roles that includes a series of courses with:
Company Reports, Videos & Interactive Quizzing.
Software Features
  • My Profile
    Easily access your basic information and choose your role(s).
  • My Courses
    This section displays the courses available per the role(s) you chose. These must be successfully completed by signing off on the final score before employees may advance to new course materials.
  • Stats
    Easily visualize in graphs the status of the training progress and the overall score of the entire company. The score is broken down by employee, location and company, allowing the management of multiple locations in one single screen.
  • All Courses
    View all available courses. These are normally made up of 2-3 min videos, short PDFs and multiple-choice quizzes. Sign them to obtain your score for a valid HACCP record.
Food Safety Training is Crucial

All members of your staff are required to maintain valid, up-to-date training to comply with HACCP and regulatory requirements.

It is crucial that each food processing-related role understands the importance of HACCP and how to properly conduct their process related activities to ensure food safety at your facility and comply with the applicable regulations, including HACCP.

Food safety training improves quality control
Food safety training is mandated by legislation
Food safety training protects the facility's reputation
Food safety training protects your customers from health risks
Food safety training shows your employees how to properly conduct their activities while improving efficiency and confidence in your brand
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